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What is Multimedia? | Components Of Multimedia

What is Multimedia?

The word Multimedia is combination of two words, Multi and Media. Multi is used to describe a collection of things, Media is used to describe a medium of transmission. Multimedia combined all the media elements like text and graphics to make the information more attractive and effective.

Multimedia is a media that uses multiple form of information content and information processing. In any business enterprise, multimedia exists in the form of advertisement, presentations, videos, audio, and images.

Components Of Multimedia


It contains alphanumeric and some other special characters. It is used to describe the content of a document.

Text is categorized into two types, Static Text and Hyper Text.

  • Static Text : this type of text will remain static as heading or in a line, or in paragraph.

  • Hyper Text : A hyper text is a text that contains hyperlink.


This technology is used to record the voice of the speaker. It is used to convey the information to the audience. There are many learning courses and different instructions that can be delivered through this medium appropriately.

Types of Audio

  • Musical Instrument Digital Identifier : Musical Instrument Digital Identifier (MIDI) is standard communication tool developed for computer and electronic music instruments. This tool is flexible and easy for composing the projects in multimedia.

  • Digital Audio : Sampled sound is a Digitized sound. A sample of sournd is taken and stored nth fraction of second as digital information in bits and bytes.


This technology to generate, represent, process, manipulate and display pictures. It is one of the most important Components of Multimedia. The development of graphics is supported by a different software.

Basically Graphics is categorized into two types, Vector and Raster.

  • Vector : It is a set of shapes, lines, curves, and other geometric shapes. It is used to represent the information in a two-dimensional space.

  • Raster : It is a set of pixels, which are used to represent the information in a two-dimensional space.

    • Pixels : It is a pixel that is used to represent the information in a two-dimensional space.


This technology records, synthesizes and display images (known as frames) in such sequence (at fixed speed) that makes the creation appear as moving; this is how we see a completely developed video on the screen. In order to watch a video without any interruption, video device must display 24 to 30 frames per second.


Computer animation is a modern technology which helps in creating, developing, sequencing and displaying a set of images (known as frames). Animation gives visual effects or similar to that of a video file.

Geographic information systems map (GIS)

Map created in a GIS system are being used wildly for natural resources and wild life management as well as urban planning. These system store the geographical information of the map along with a database containing information relating highlighted map elements with statistical or item information such as wild life statistics, population density, etc.

Holographic images

All of the technologies so for essentially present a flat view of information. Holographic images extend the concept of virtual reality by allowing the user to see the information in a 3D environment.

Advantages Of Multimedia

  • It is used to convey the information to the audience.
  • It is used to create a more attractive and effective information.
  • Reduces training cost
  • Give information to individuals and groups.
  • Entertaining and educational.

Disadvantages Of Multimedia

  • It is expensive to manage all the hardware and software components for multimedia systems.
  • It needs technical manpower to prepare the multimedia presentation. So training should also be provid to the employees of an organization.
  • Information Overload.
  • Misuse and / or overuse of multimedia.